New Berlin Community Band Bylaws
Drafted: October, 2006
This group shall be known as the New Berlin Community Band
To provide quality community band musical performances to the greater New Berlin Community.
Performances may range from formal concerts to concerts in the park. The band may also serve the
community by performing at patriotic days, community events, or parades. To provide an instrumental group in which the music is challenging and encourages the musical growth of the membership as well as the community.
1. Membership shall be open to any individual, 16 years of age or older, having an interest in instrumental music and who will support the objectives of the group.
2. Annual dues shall be assessed based on the yearly budget and voted on at the annual meeting.
3. Members must have paid their dues in full in order to vote at the annual meeting.
4. Members in good standing shall take responsibility to meet the purposes of the group by taking care of music, equipment, and being present at rehearsals and concerts in proper attire. Members will maintain good communication with the director and board if an absence must occur..
The officers shall be president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and 3 members-at- large who will be elected by a simple majority at an annual meeting by the general membership. These officers shall serve two-year terms and may be re-elected without limit by the general band membership. The music director shall be a board member and shall not vote.
In order to stagger the elections, after the first year (Jan. 2008), elections for the President and Secretary shall be held, and every two years thereafter. Elections for the Vice President, Treasurer and 3 members-at-large shall be held in January of 2009, and every two years thereafter.
If a vacancy occurs in the officers, the board shall have the right to fill in the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term by a 2/3 majority vote.
The band board shall meet a minimum of three times per calendar year. Additional meetings may be called by the president or musical director with at least two week’s notice. Any board member who fails to attend two consecutive board meetings without notice to the president or musical director will be subject to dismissal by the remaining board members. No action can be taken by the Board unless a quorum of its members is present. A quorum of the group shall be Five members of the Board of Directors.
The music director is responsible for the musical direction of the band. He/she will with the board on concert work programming. However, the music director has the final decision on all musical matters and is responsible for all concerts and rehearsals. The music director shall have final say in the selection of music and chair placement.
The president shall set the agenda and preside at all meetings of the organization. The board shall transact the general business of the organization; and consider all questions of policy by inviting discussion, making motions, and voting on issues.
The vice-president supports the mission of the band and shall conduct the business of the organization during the absence of the president. If the office of the president becomes vacant, the vice president shall become the president. The Vice President shall conduct a bi- annual review of the bylaws to be presented before the board at least one month before the next annual meeting.
The secretary shall keep records of the meetings of the organization and shall be custodian of all records and papers pertaining to the office. He/she shall conduct all correspondence, keep all letters on file, and send notices of meetings.
The treasurer shall keep an account of all money by regularly depositing money received. He/she shall print up a balance sheet showing monies paid out and monies received to date to the board. Both the president and the treasurer will be authorized to sign checks; however only one signature is required. He/She shall sponsor an independent annual review of finances prior to the annual meeting.
The three members-at-large will be full voting members. At least one shall be a non-band member. The other two may be elected from the general band membership. If there is no non- band member available, the position may be filled by a band member.
Music Librarian, Fundraising, Publicity, Membership, Concert Coordinator, Equipment Manager, Historian
An elected board member may take on one or more of these roles if so desired. These positions shall be appointed by the board from nominees made known to them. These chairpersons are important to the band. They may form committees if additional help is needed.
Although not required, area chairpersons are invited to attend all board meetings. While not voting
members, they may give input as appropriate. They may be asked to attend board meetings from time to time by the board of directors as needed.
Music Librarian – Distributes, collects and maintains the band’s music library. Communicates with
the musical director and asks for help as needed.
Membership Chairperson – Maintains member’s names, addresses and e-mail addresses for the band.
Publicity Chairperson – Communicates with the musical director and secretary. Writes up short. stories for the local papers, contributes ideas for publicity of the band’s appearances in the community. Asks for help as needed.
Fundraising Chairperson – Communicates with the board and the band in fund-raising matters. This
person is an “idea” person, possibly looks into the band becoming a non-profit. Asks for help as needed.
Concert Coordinator – Communicates with the appropriate people at the various venues the band appears at and relays information to the musical director to ensure smooth concert appearances. Asks for help as needed.
Equipment Manager – Coordinates the disbursement of band equipment for all performances. Asks
for help as needed. Communicates with the musical director to ensure equipment needs are met.
Historian – The Historian shall keep programs, news clippings, press releases and other mementos that pertain to the history of the band.
A special meeting of the Board of Directors may be called to remove a board member who is in violation of at least one of the following:
– Dereliction of duties
– Failure to work with fellow board members
– Purposefully misrepresents the organization
– Failure to uphold the standards of the organization
– Removal of a Board member will require 2/3 majority of its members.
“Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised” shall be the “parliamentary authority.”
Band By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present at the regularly scheduled annual meeting providing written notice of the intended change has been given to the band member and Board two weeks before the vote.
All members who have paid their dues for a minimum of the fall semester may vote in the annual meeting to be held in January. The annual meeting will include a financial report, bylaw review (every other year) elections and agenda items proposed by band members. Elections will take place for any positions that have expired. The Executive Board (minus the Musical Director) will review the Musical Director’s performance and contract for the upcoming year. Amendments to the by-laws may occur at the annual meeting.
The New Berlin Community Band may be dissolved at a meeting called for said purpose. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the voting membership in attendance shall be required to adopt the resolution of the dissolution. Upon dissolution, assets shall be equally divided between the New Berlin High Schools.